Spring is here!? Come to the Spring Meeting!!
DC 210 Meeting
Saturday, April 17th
** 11:00 to 3:00 pm **
Livermore Adult School
1400 Almond Avenue
DC 210 Meeting
Saturday, April 17th
** 11:00 to 3:00 pm **
Livermore Adult School
1400 Almond Avenue
Meeting discussion will include information for volunteers and attendees to the 2010 CPSA National Convention. Get in on the excitement of the convention and show. If you have entered a painting for judging, please bring it along with you to show. It is so exciting to have members in the show.
Bring: ** brown bag lunch with you to the meeting.
** art work you would like to share with everyone.
The purpose of the lunch is to have the time to chat with fellow artists and share our work and ideas.
** art work you would like to share with everyone.
The purpose of the lunch is to have the time to chat with fellow artists and share our work and ideas.
Our demo artist: Nancy Saltsman of Livermore. Nancy is a certified Adult School Instructor and has been teaching art, including colored pencil classes for a number of years in the Livermore Adult School system. She will share with us a critique on several different kinds of colored pencils and a few new tools to use. Please bring paper. What Nancy recommends is Strathmore 400 smooth Bristol and/or dark or medium colored scraps.
Come and support our local art teacher who is also a member of our DC.
Looking forward to seeing all of you on Saturday the 17th!!
Keep on penciling………
Linda Loder, DC President