Welcome to our blog! The blog will be in newsletter style and will replace our regular quarterly newsletter. This will be a great tool to keep us connected. All members are encouraged to send articles to Gemma for posting online anytime. There will be no deadlines so you will not get a once a month post, it will happen as things come in. You could get a couple of things one month and the next post might be a month or two out. You will receive updates as they happen the news will be more current than trying to save articles for a newsletter.
The blog is for everyone. The updates will be sent out to those who do not have an email address. There are only 2 or 3 at this point, almost everyone has moved into the electronic age. We, as a group have been slow to do this as well because we worried about those who were not doing computers. But it is the way almost everyone is communicating these days and we have to move forward with the times. It also saves the club a ton of money on postage.Keep in mind that Gemma does not write the articles, she just posts them online. She will need articles to post and that means that we all can contribute. A book review or a new tip or trick you learned, any type of art class or workshop coming up in northern California (not advertising but information) would be great or a new product that you have discovered. Any kind of show you are in or even entering, any type of award you have received, we want to congratulate our members for their work. Some artists get published in different books, newspapers etc. That would of interest.
Do a work-in-progressIf you are working on a new pencil piece send a photo of the beginnings and what words you want. When you do this you could attach a little info about what tools you are using etc. These are so much fun to watch. Although the blog is not interactive, you can certainly put a note that you would welcome comments from members at your email address.