Dear Chapter members,
You should be so proud! All of you did a wonderful job helping and supporting this convention. Here is what Paula Parks, the Exhibition Director, had to say about it.
I want to especially thank Deborah Lanphear, Linda Huffman and Jackie Chang for their continuous help through the whole week. You guys were amazing, especially Deborah. I didn't know you had such big muscles!!
Your very proud president
August 11, 2010
Dear Linda and members of DC 210, San Francisco, California
I would like to thank you and the members of your chapter for helping put on and promote an amazing Exhibition and Convention. From the time of my first contact with you, Linda, I knew that you would do everything possible to make everything run smoothly and to solve problems, as they inevitably come up, with a minimum of fuss and stress. It was a pleasure working with you to make our vision for an outstanding Exhibition and Convention become a reality. I have received rave notices from members, as well as the general public, who were impressed by the smooth presentation and welcoming feel of the convention events and by the outstanding exhibition at the Art Museum of Los Gatos.
When I was there for the judging, Deborah went beyond expectations, picking me up and taking me to the museum to meet with the staff, assisting with the awards judging, then taking me back to the SJ Airport. At the Convention, you were always there, coordinating the efforts of the chapter volunteers and keeping things running smoothly and efficiently.
Convention week went by entirely too fast, and my only regrets were that I didn’t have more time to get to know all of you better and to spend more time in the beautiful area where you live.
So again, on behalf of the entire CPSA Governing Board, thank you so much for all the effort you put forth in making the 18th CPSA International Exhibition and Convention one of the most successful and enjoyable exhibitions yet. It was especially appreciated since we were also celebrating the 20th anniversary of CPSA. The help of the host chapter is essential, and we are truly grateful for the many hours your members contributed to making this year’s event outstanding.
Paula Parks