Welcome to the Blog Of CPSA DC210 San Jose

CPSA District Chapter 210, San Jose, CA

Monday, July 15, 2013

One-day colored pencil workshop at Palo Alto Art Center in November

The Palo Alto Art Center is open again after a two-year major remodel, and is back in full swing offering all sorts of classes and exhibits.  I learned today that they will be offering a one-day colored pencil workshop this fall.  Here is the info:


Beyond Black and White: Colored Pencil Workshop
Sunday, Nov 3, 10am-4pm, $89 resident/$102 non-resident
taught by Brian Lamprell, www.brianlamprell.com

Do you want to inject some color into your drawing? Students of all levels are invited to explore the basics of drawing with colored pencils, watercolor pencils and conte crayon, working from photographs. Newer student will be introduced to a variety of materials as well as techniques such as blending, hatching, burnishing, impress, and perspective drawing. Experienced students will further explore composition, form, light and shadow, and color theory.

If you're interested in the workshop, contact the Palo Alto Art Center directly for more info.  Their website is http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/gov/depts/csd/artcenter/default.asp  The address is 1313 Newell Rd, Palo Alto.  Phone: (650) 329-2366

Monday, July 8, 2013

Explorations in Colored Pencil II prospectus and entry form now available

The prospectus and entry form for our annual chapter art show is now available for download from our website!  See our Calendar page for the download link, or click here.

You'll notice that the first page is information-only (the prospectus) and the second page is the form to send in.  We designed it this way so that we can print hard copies of just the first page to leave with art leagues, art supply stores, community centers, etc. and it will direct folks to the website to get the entire document.  Please help us get the word out by printing a few copies of that first page and leaving them at places where you think other artists might find them!  (Get permission first, of course....)

Some things worth pointing out: 
  • Cash awards! 1st: $100, 2nd: $50, 3rd: $25
  • Non-members are welcome to enter
  • Submissions will be juried only for awards--if you enter, you're in
  • Works need not be 100% colored pencil
  • 3D works are welcome 
  • Opening reception and awards presentation Friday, September 6, 6-8 PM
We are hoping to fill the lovely Coastal Arts League Gallery with so much wonderful colored pencil art, people will come from miles around just to gaze in amazement and want to join CPSA on the spot!

If you have any specific questions, contact me (Denise) at president@cpsa210.org or call me at (650) 787-9953.  Don't wait too late--the deadline for entry is Friday, August 23!

Many thanks to Christopher Swetlin for his graphic design work on the prospectus/entry form.