Welcome to the Blog Of CPSA DC210 San Jose

CPSA District Chapter 210, San Jose, CA

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dues Now Due!

Have you renewed your CPSA Chapter Membership?

2011 memberships expired October 31, and the new year began on Novemeber 1. If you haven't yet renewed,
please do so!

• We're going to have new programs and opportunities in 2012, maybe even a member show.
• Your dues help make such events possible,
• Your presence makes them happen, and
• Your enthusiasm makes them worthwhile!

Visit the membership page on our chapter website (www.cpsa210.org/join.html) for the renewal form.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

New President's Message

Greetings to all chapter members past and present, friends and visitors!

I became the CPSA DC210 chapter president as of november 1, 2011, taking over the reins from Linda Loder after her nine hard-working years at the job. Thank you to all for your vote of confidence in me!

I am excited about the opportunities ahead to grow our membership, organize fun and interesting programs, foster camaraderie, and expand awareness of colored pencil as an art medium in the San Francisco bay area and northern California. To that end, I welcome and encourage you—whether you are currently a member or drifted away years ago—to e-mail me with your ideas and suggestions on what YOU would like the chapter to be and do to keep you coming or bring you back. We are here to support and encourage everyone in the region who works with colored pencil! I may contact you directly to solicit your input, so don't be shy.

If you haven't renewed your membership for 2012 yet, please do! Your dues support the chapter so that we can bring in speakers and the like. Download our new chapter brochure from the Membership page to learn more.

Happy Drawing!

Denise Howard,
President CPSA DC210

Monday, October 24, 2011

Letter from Linda Loder, Next Meeting information

Next Meeting
The next DC210 Chapter meeting will be held on November 12 at 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at the home of
Ken Woodworth, 307 West Oak Street, Lodi, CA

If the weather is nice, we can enjoy some plein air drawing around Ken's koi pond. Or we can enjoy a screening of "Chasing Hockney," a documentary about "the greatest portrait ever" which Ken says is a must-see for all artists. I'm intriqued.

August 6th Meeting Minutes by Linda Loder, Outgoing President.

Election of officers was held at our last meeting at Denise Howard's home in Santa Clara on August 6, 2011.
It's my pleasure to announce the results below.
 New Officers Elected
President: Denise Howard
Vice President: Linda Loder
Treasurer: Jackie Chang
Membership Chairman: Linda Huffman
Webmaster/Blog: Yevonne Reynolds

We are certainly appreciative of the work of  Jackie Chang, Yevonne Reynolds and Linda Huffman. We are in need of a secretary for the chapter. If you could possibly come forward to help out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

We have more fun times ahead of us. I'm looking forward to Denise's presidency. She brings new ideas and a good deal of energy with her. I'm sure it will be contagious and we might all catch it. Please help. Give Denise all  your support. I know she is going to do a great job.

Also, as of November 1, it's TIME TO RENEW our membership to the Chapter. Please go to the website: http://www.cpsa210.org/. The membership form is on the membership page and the dues at $20 a year for our chapter. If you have any questions, the contact numbers are on the home page. Please let someone know if you need help.
Don't forget you also need to pay your national dues to be a member of the chapter.

Happy Penciling to all,
Linda Loder
Past President DC210.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Livermore Artwalk 2011

Join us for the Livermore ARTWALK

Color Pencilers, we are participating in an art festival called ArtWalk in Livermore on October 8th. Please join us and show your art at the booth. You can also bring prints of your original art and notecards of your original art. We can sell there, and the commission is 20% (and goes to ArtWalk). Visit our Website, http://www.cpsa210.org/ for instructions and to download the entry form.

DC210 has paid the registration fee. The cost for members to participate is $20, Non members $25.

If you are not a member of District Chapter 210 and are interested, please go to our website to learn more.

 Contact Linda Loder, or Denise Howard for more information on how to enter. Their numbers are on the website's calendar page. You must make contact by September 15.

If you cannot attend or live out of the area, you may make plans to ship your pieces to a fellow member so your work can be included.

Volunteers are needed. Please contact Linda or Denise to schedule a time to help.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mexican Riviera Cruise, Colored Pencil Workshops

Spend 9 days of fun in the sun. On three (3) of the days there will be colored pencil workshops. Gemma Gylling is teaching a colored pencil class. Ann Kullberg and Linda Hardy will also present workshops.

There are only two spots left, so if  you want to go, sign up right away. Here's the link with the details regarding the Cruise: http://www.annkullberg.com/cruise_home_mexico9.php

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Do You Like Prismacolors?


We've just learned of a great sale going on at Aaron Brothers Art and Framing until Sunday, July 31. Buy one set of Prismacolors, get another set for a penny! This falls under the "select art supplies" part of their July "one cent sale." The Prismacolor sale isn't mentioned on the website, but they're tagged for the promotion in stores.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

DC210 Meeting, August 13, 2011

Upcoming DC210 Meeting
Denise Howard's home
672 Briarcliff, Ct., Santa Clara 95051

Your bag lunch or something to share. We will provide simple drinks.

11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

• General membership meeting
• Discuss Artwalk participation - join the committee
• Discuss election - join the committee and help out
• Denise Howard and Gemma Gylling - Convention review and show and tell new products.

2011 CPSA National Convention will be held in Dallas, Texas in July. It is always exciting and fun. Lots of colored pencil artists to talk to and lots of new products to see and try out. "Come and hear the latest in the world of colored pencil. Try out some of the newest products that were highlighted there. See how they work."

• Critiques, share  your work.
• Bring what you are working on and if we have time, we can draw.
• Enjoy the 2010 international show on large screen TV.

Please RSVP to Denise by August 3rd so we can make arrangements.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Workshop with Gemma Gylling

Wolf Workshop on Suede Mat Board
How to Create Realistic Animals Using Colored Pencils
By Gemma Gylling

Have you ever looked at wildlife art and wondered how the artist created the fur's shine or have you thought the eyes looked so real you believed the eye was really wet? When an artist uses the right side of their brain, it becomes easy for them to see the object that they want to create. Gemma will teach you to break an object into small sections so you see only lines, shapes and colors. It then becomes much easier to achieve the realistic look of shiny fur or a wet eye.

Saturday & Sunday, June 11/12, 10 am to 3 pm
(with lunch break)

At Town Hall Arts/Gallery
Under the Clock, 145 Stone Street., Copperopolis, CA, Town Square.

Sign up for the workshop with Larry, larry@townhallarts.com,
or phone 209-785-2050.
Materials list available at Town Hall Arts.
Cost of two-day workshop: $60

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Colored Pencil at the California State Fair!

We just learned that the 2011 California State Fair has a Fine Art competition that includes a category specifically for colored Pencil. (Division 405 "Other 2D Artworks," Class 3: Colored Pencil.)

The deadline for online entry is April 22, and receipt of art (JPEG files on CD) April 27. The exhibit takes place during the state fair in Sacramento, July 14-31. Cost is $20 per piece entered, and accepted entries must be framed under plexiglass rather than glass.

If you do plein air work, they have a competition for that, too, for work completed on site during the fair!

Go to http://www.bigfun.org/competition-adult.php and https://www.bigfun.org/exhibits/all/exhibitshome.aspx for more details.

Hurry, this is an opportunity for more exposure for our colored pencil passion!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DC210 Meeting

District Chapter Meeting
Saturday, April 9, 2011 • 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Almond Avenue Adult School • 1440 Almond Ave., Livermore CA

Meeting Agenda

Please bring your lunch and bring your work to show. Bring your supplies and something to work on or start a new piece with everyone's help and input (if you want it). We will enjoy working together at the meeting.

If you have something to discuss or questions to ask, please let us know.

Art Books: If you have new or favorite art books, bring them to share! Many good books, particularly about colored pencil, aren't readily available for browsing in book stores or online, so this is an opportunity to thoroughly look them over before deciding to buy your own copy.

Anything exciting happening in your art life?  Share it! Make new friends!

Not yet a member? Attend as our guest and find out what the Northern California Chapter of the CPSA is all about!

Want more  information: visit our website at http://www.cpsa210.org/ 
or contact Linda Loder at (510) 455-6427

Monday, March 21, 2011

Announcement! New Updated Website for DC210

DC210 Members, CPSA, District Chapters and Friends
We are happy to announce that the new DC210 website has been completed.

We invite our members and fellow chapter members to vist us at

Included below is a small partial view of our new home page.
We were fortunate to be able to use the latest DC210
Group Project to enhance our pages.

It was a challenge to help create the new website for our District Chapter.
I wish to thank Linda Loder, Denise Howard, Jackie Chang and Linda Huffman
for their input, help, suggestions and support while building the new site.

I'm honored to have helped with its creation. Yevonne Reynolds

Monday, March 7, 2011

Congratulations Jackie Chang

Congratulations to Jackie on winning the
CPSA District Chapters' Award for Exceptional Merit ($1000).
We are all so proud and happy for you.
You have an eye for finding the beauty in the simple thing in life.

Dinner in Las Vegas by J.Y. Chang.

Monday, January 31, 2011


 Two members of the DC210 San Francisco Chapter of the Colored Pencil Society of America, have been accepted into the CPSA Explore This 7 Online Exhibition. The show opens online at the Colored Pencil Society of America website (http://www.cpsa.org/) on February 1, 2011 and will run for one year.

We congratulate Jackie Chang and Gemma Gylling

Jackie Chang

Dinner Time in Las Vegas

Jackie says, "I drew this piece from a photograph that I took in Las Vegas, while waiting for dinner to be served. At first I was drawn to the shapes of the spoon and fork on the tabletop, and their placement in relation to each other. However, then I realized that all the spectacular neon Vegas lights were reflecting off the silverware, and that the spoon and fork were capturing all the ambient light and excitement around me, and that became even more intriguing to me."

Gemma Gylling

Wild Reflections

Gemma says, "When I was in Kalespell, Montana I had the opportunity to photograph this magnificent animal. This is the second piece I have done of this mountain lion. I couldn't believe how fortunate I was to be able to watch him make his way down a fallen log and into the water for a morning swim. I took hundreds of pictures of him so I am sure I will be creating more art from those reference photos. I hope to create a series called my "Reflections" series. I now have two pieces done for that series.

This piece was done on a Beige Suede Mat Board using colored pencils and some pastel. Most of the piece is colored pencil but I did use pastel on top of an underpainting of colored pencil to create the ripples in the water.

I was very excited to hear that my artwork was accepted in the Explore This exhibition. This is the first time I have entered the show because I usually work with 100% colored pencils and this show requires some other medium to be used with the CP. As of about 3 years ago CPSA now allows a signature award for the Explore This exhibition. This will be my first acceptance toward the CPX signature award. Very Exciting!!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

DC210 Meeting Scheduled in Palo Alto, CA

Saturday, January 22, 2011
1:00-3:30 pm
Palo Alto Art Center
1313 Newell Road
Palo Alto, CA 94303

1:00 Convene in the Meeting Room for chapter business.
2:00 Docent-led tour of the Art Center to learn about their facilities, classes and programs.
2:45 Reconvene for refreshments and "show and tell."

Bring a colored penil drawing, finished or unfinished, for "show and tell."

Not yet a member?
Attend as our guest and find out what the Northern California chapter
of the CPSA is all about!

Check for a Google Map or follow these directions:
Take Hwy 101 toward Palo Alto.
Exit to Embarcadero Rd. west (watch the signage carefully, this can be a confusing
interchange). for ~ .5 mile.
Turn right at Newell Rd., the Art Center is right there and you'll see a big sign for it at the corner.

If anyone's up for an extra "field trip" after the meeting, University Art in downtown Palo Alto
is one of the best art supply stores around!